Thursday, 28 January 2010

About Baluty Baluty (2)

In this second 'message' "About Baluty-Baluty" I want to tell more about the project itself.
This message is a direct continuation of the first message in this blog. (see About Baluty-Baluty )
But now I will more focus on content, ideas, attitudes, approaches and actions. What and How.

In 2008 I met Krzysztof Candrowicz, director of the Fotofestiwal Lodz, and he told me about Baluty and the thoughts he had to do a photography project in Baluty. This project would have be linked with the theme of the Lodz Fotofestiwal 2010.
The theme should be and is All my lovin' and it focuses on family and family relations. In short it is about the joy and the pain connected with being a member of a family. How do people experience family relations?
The idea of the Baluty-project was/is that for the 'Fotofestiwal Lodz' it should be nice to have something on this theme coming from the city of Lodz itself.
Candrowicz' had seen something of my previous projects and his thought was that a kind of more social, more natural and intimate view on families living in Lodz could be a good supplement to the year programme of 2010.
So, later - I proposed to undertake this project and his answer was 'yes'.

Fotofestiwal 2010 - “All my lovin’. Wszystko o miłości”
Trwają przygotowania do kolejnej edycji Fotofestiwalu.
Jego głównym punktem będzie wystawa “All my lovin’. Wszystko o miłości”, poświęcona relacjom rodzinnym i miłości.
W prezentowanych projektach znajdziemy więc humor, pasję, walkę, historię i kompromis, nieco nostalgii i dużo refleksji.
Główny weekend zaplanowaliśmy na 6-9 maja. Sam festiwal potrwa do 30 maja.
Więcej informacji już w przyszłym miesiącu na naszej nowej, odświeżonej stronie internetowej.

So, in the Baluty-Baluty project we are going to focus on family and family life. For this I should like to work with approximately six or eight families in the two months before the opening of the Fotofestiwal Lodz 6 May 2010. That means that we are going to do the photo project named Baluty Baluty in March and April 2010 starting 8 March.

In the workshop each family gets one or more simple point-and-shoot camera(s). During the workshop they will have the opportunity to act as a 'real' photographer in their own life.
Family, family-members and family-life will be the main overall subject. In this respect they will documenting their everyday life, family, (auto)portrait, friends, surroundings and for example the themes dreams, wishes, ambitions. 

Acting in this way the family-members will get a special and most probably unexpected insight in their own life. For every participant this will be a meaningful experience. 

The Baluty-Baluty workshop will result in an exhibition in the Foto Festiwal in May 2010, most probably in the neigbourhood Baluty itself.
For sure it will also gives the visitor an unexpected and surprising insight in the lives of the Balutians.

Later more on Baluty-Baluty.

And....  take the time to listen to this music!

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